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Ready to add to your family? Fill out the application linked below!
Don't see one you are interested in? Send us a message! We have many wonderful homeless pets available that do not yet appear on our website. We'll help you find the perfect dog!
Check out our YouTube page for videos of our available dogs!
Apply today to adopt one of the pups currently in foster care to set up a meet and greet!
Dahlia (F) is a gorgeous 8 year old Akita who was rescued from a puppy mill. Despite her past, she is a very friendly girl. She will be spayed, up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. She is currently available for meet and greets. Check out her video!
Gracie (F) is a precious 6lb 9 year old maltese. She is a sweet, smart and affectionate girl who loves to follow her person around. She gets along well with other small dogs and would prefer a home where her person is home more often than not. She is spayed, fully vaccinated and microchipped. She is currently available for meet and greets.
Matilda (F) is a 4 year old English Bulldog who was rescued from a puppy mill. Despite her past, she is incredibly sweet and will thrive with a good diet and TLC. She will be spayed, up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. She is currently available for meet and greets.
Bagel (M) is an adorable 35lb 3 year old hound mix. He is a happy boy who gets along great with everyone he meets. He is neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped. He is currently in foster care in Coatesville, PA.
Elmo (M) is a handsome 52lb 3 year old hound mix. He is a super smart boy who loves everyone he meets, just no cats! He is neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped. He is currently in foster care in Phoenixville, PA.
Oliver (M) is a 49lb 9 month old Lab mix puppy who is expected to grow to about 60lbs. He is a sweet and friendly boy who gets along great with everyone he meets. He is neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped. He is currently in foster care in Pottstown, PA.
Sloan (F) is an adorable 10lb 2.5 month old Plott Hound mix puppy who was found as a stray with her brother. She is a happy go lucky girl who gets along great with everyone she meets. She is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Gilbertsville, PA.
Tonka (F) is a precious 20lb 5 year old beagle mix. She is a sweet girl who gets along great with everyone she meets. She is spayed, fully vaccinated and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Skippack, PA.
Kenickie (M) is an 18lb 3 month old terrier mix puppy who was found as a stray with his siblings. He is a super sweet boy who gets along great with everyone he meets. He is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. He is currently in foster care in North Wales, PA.
Rizzo (F) is a 13lb 3 month old terrier mix puppy who was found as a stray with her siblings. She is a super sweet girl who gets along great with everyone she meets. She is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Lafayette Hill, PA.
Tiffany (F) is an adorable 6lb 2 month old terrier mix puppy. She is a happy go lucky girl who gets along great with everyone she meets. She is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Washington Township, NJ.
Trinity (F) is an adorable 6lb 2 month old terrier mix puppy. She is a happy go lucky girl who gets along great with everyone she meets. She is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Washington Township, NJ.
Ariel (F) is a super cute 20lb 3.5 month old Hound mix puppy who was found as a stray with her siblings. She is a silly and fun loving girl with a happy go lucky personality and who loves everyone she meets. She is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Ren (F) is a super cute 19lb 3.5 month old Hound mix puppy who was found as a stray with her siblings. She is a cuddle bug with a gentle and loving nature who loves everyone she meets. She is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in Conshohocken, PA.
Hurricane (M) is a 14lb 2 month old terrier mix puppy who was found as a stray with his siblings. He is a happy go lucky boy who gets along great with everyone he meets. He is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. He is currently in foster care in Collegeville, PA.
Tornado (M) is a 13.6lb 2 month old terrier mix puppy who was found as a stray with his siblings. He is a happy go lucky boy who gets along great with everyone he meets. He is up to date on vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. He is currently in foster care in Collegeville, PA.
Pending adoption! Forest (M) is a sweet 54lb 9 year old hound mix. He is an active boy who enjoys a good run despite his age and loves everyone he meets! He is neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped. He is currently in foster care.
Pending adoption! Idaho (M) is a 42lb 8 month old Lab mix puppy. He is a happy guy who gets along great with everyone he meets. He is neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped. He is currently in foster care.
Lolita (F) is an amazing mixed breed momma from Texas. She was found by a Good Samaritan with her 6 sons, and they all made their freedom ride to the east coast. She will be spayed, fully vaccinated and microchipped. She is currently being fostered in Williamstown, NJ.
Millie (F) is a precious 11 week old border collie/sheltie mix puppy who was rescued from a puppy mill with her siblings. They are happy go lucky puppies who love everyone they meet. They are up to date on vaccines and are currently available for meet and greets in Worcester, PA.
Hunter (M) is a handsome 110lb 3 year old American Bully. He is a happy go lucky boy who loves to play! He is a sweetheart but due to his size, he would do best without small children. He is neutered, fully vaccinated and housetrained. He is currently available for meet and greets.
Sailor (M) is a 40lb 18 month old Potcake pup from the Bahamas. He was found severely malnourished with a torn ACL (he is having surgery). He is an amazing boy who deserves a second chance. He is neutered, house trained, fully vaccinated, microchipped, dog friendly and knows many commands. He is currently being fostered in Westville, NJ.
Mercie (F) is a beautiful 68lb 7 year old shepherd mix who was left on the streets when her owner went into an assisted living facility. She never left and just loyally waited for her owner to return. Finally, a Good Samaritan brought her to the shelter. She is such a sweet girl who gets along great with everyone she meets, including cats! She is spayed, up to date on vaccines and microchipped. She is currently being fostered in Williamstown, NJ. Check out her video!
Sylvie (F) is an adorable 25lb 6 month old German Shepherd mix who was born in someone‘s backyard on the Texas/Mexican border. She is up to date on vaccines and microchipped. She is currently in foster care in West Chester, PA.
Cookie (F) is a 45lb 4 year old mixed breed who was found as a stray in Texas. She is a sweet girl who gets along great with everyone she meets. She will be spayed, up to date on vaccines and microchipped. She is currently being fostered in Hyattsville, MD.
Viviane (F) is a sweet 42lb 9 month old beagle mix (best guess) who was found all by herself on the side of the road in Kuwait. She is a sweet girl who gets along great with everyone she meets and is spayed, up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. She is currently being fostered in Egg Harbor, NJ.
Bea (F) is a 50lb 5 year old terrier mix. She is a super sweet girl who gets along great with everyone she meets, including cats! She is spayed, up to date on vaccines and microchipped. She is currently being fostered in Westville, NJ!
Gunther (M) is an adorable 55lb 1 year old Potcake from Turks & Caicos. He is a sweet boy who loves everyone he meets! He is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, house and crate trained, and microchipped. He is currently being fostered in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Get your applications in now to pre-adopt one of the pups coming in on our next transport or apply to foster!
Rylie's Rescue
PO Box 1021, Skippack, Pennsylvania, 19474
PA Kennel License #: 18496
Copyright © 2022 Rylie's Rescue | All Rights Reserved.
Animal Rescue Service | Nonprofit Organization